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PhiLing/ Micorneedleing and BB Glow

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PHILING is a common name for cosmetic treatments of PhiAcademy which combine two revolutionary techniques that require no surgery - Phi-Ion and Microneedling. New, unique, different techniques intended both for skin rejuvenation and skin irregularities. These can be done in combination or separately, depending on the indications for the treatment. 
A minimally invasive treatment to rejuvenate the skin. Results can include improved skin texture, firmness, hydration and wrinkle to be less visible. Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure. It involves pricking the skin with tiny, sterilized needles. The small wounds cause your body to make more collagen and elastin, which heal your skin and help you look younger. Once skin is puncture specialist serums are applied depending on area treated to provide the skin with nutrient rich vitemins to help hydra and restore skin texture and reverse damage.

Microneedling Benefits
Microneedling may help with issues like:
BB Glow Treatment 

BBglow treatment is a minimally invasive and non-surgical procedure that uses a highly effective tinted pigment, applied by using a nano-needle or microneedle to penetrate the skin. It stimulates skin rejuvenation and collagen production. The BB glow serum adds nutrients as well as your desired color to your skin.

The treatment leads to fewer freckles, brighter and radiant skin, reduced skin discoloration, even skin tone, and fewer wrinkles and fine lines. It is a form of semi-permanent makeup that can last up to half a year with the proper number of treatments and aftercare.

Treatment Price

Single treatment face or neck              $350 - 90 mins
Treatment package (3 times )               $1000
Chest Collar region                               $350 - 90 mins
Hand treatment                                     $250 - 60 mins
Stretch mark/body treatment.
(stomach/hip/thigh/upper back           $450

Before and After Photos
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Micro Neddling BB Glow Before and After Photos

Phi Ion- Plasma Pen- Fibroblast

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Plasma Pen or Phi-ion treatment is based on the creation of series of dots adjacent to the tension lines on the skin; this process triggers an instant contraction and tightening of skin fibers to create a lifting, remodeling and rejuvenating effect.
Phi-ion or plasma pen uses the plasma state of matter. The principle involves the ionization of gases from the atmospheric air to create micro electrical discharge causing sublimation of the excessive/sagging superficial skin layer. This method can be used to treat specific areas of concern without damaging the surrounding tissue or applying unwanted heat energy to them.
Phi-ion provides an effective non-surgical blepharoplasty (baggy eyelid correction) and can be used for non-surgical neck-lift, scars treatment including acne scars as well as wrinkles tension. Plasma pen is also able to remove skin blemishes.
This revolutionary method is capable of performing procedures and achieving results comparable to the results of cosmetic surgery including eyelid correction, neck-lift, acne scar removal, stretch marks removal, lines and wrinkles -crow feet, marionette lines, age spots, skin tags and skin blemishes.
Before and After Photos
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